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Mobile Test Automation Service

Software testing is an art that uncovers the invisible and ensures the quality of the visible.
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Mobile Test Automation

In today's mobile-dominated landscape, where smartphones and tablets have become integral parts of our lives, delivering flawless mobile experiences is very crucial to be a market leader.


Mobile test automation has emerged as a game-changing solution, enabling businesses to ensure high-quality mobile applications while keeping up with the rapid pace of technological advancements. A business ignoring the quality for mobile devices, can loose significant revenue as even Google prioritise for mobile friendly content for their search engine. That's the reason, Mobile test automation has became a very important aspect of quality.  Those days are gone where we can rely on manual testing to ensure the quality on mobile devices, considering the rapid emergence of mobile devices, screen sizes and operating systems. Without leveraging automation on mobile devices, you risk being left behind.

Mobile Design

Why Mobile Test Automation is Crucial for Business Success

Device Fragmentation:

Mobile test automation allows you to test your app on a wide range of devices with different screen sizes, operating systems, resolutions, operating systems, and hardware configurations. It widens your test coverage ensuring quality on every device.

Regression Testing Efficiency

Automated tests can be easily rerun after code changes, ensuring that existing app features continue to function correctly on different mobile devices, screen sizes, browsers and operating systems.

Better User Experience

By ensuring the quality across different size of screens and operating, you enhance the overall user experience, considering the wide range of of mobile devices being used by your potential customers.

Faster Release Time

Automated tests provide faster feedback compared to manual testing, particularly when testing needs to be conducted on multiple devices.

Cost Effective

Automated tests have lower cost compared to manual testing as it can be run 24x7 in pipeline and always providing feedback even for a minute change which ultimately reduce the cost of bug fixing.

Our solution to mobile web and app testing

We are equipped with all the required infrastructure and knowledge to make your mobile testing journey effective and efficient. Our focus is on providing fast feedback, enabling you to fasten your release cycles and achieve faster time-to-market.

Functional tests 

Verifying the core functionality of application to ensure the overall quality of application and works as expected in negative scenarios.

Usability Testing

Making sure that application is user friendly and intuitive to be used by different group of people.

Compatibility and Installation Testing

These tests are performed to ensure that application is installable and un-installable on different hardwares and compatible with different version of operating systems.

Non-functional testing (like Security, Performance, Accessibility)

Various non-functional testings are performed to ensure different other quality aspects of mobile application. Its primarily accessibility and security.

Exploratory Testing

Other than above testing types, there are many other testing under exploratory category. These tests may include checks like batter consumption, interruption testing, application's behaviour in slow network, error flows etc.

Tools we use for Mobile Testing

Key Challenges in Mobile Test Automation

Mobile test automation poses a number of challenges which require a careful consideration and custom solution to tackle them.


Our consultants are experts of mobile test automation and they tailor an efficient and effective as per the business need.

Comprehensive device and platform coverage
Verifying consistent UI rendering across diverse devices and form factors.
Test infrastructure to cover all important devices and form factors
Continuous testing in agile environment
Maintaining the test stability, no flaky result

Our Process of Mobile Test Automation

With a team of seasoned QA consultants, cutting-edge tools, and a commitment to excellence, we guide you through each step of the mobile test automation journey.

Our 5 step process which starts from understanding your application and requirements to designing tailored test strategies, executing tests, and providing insightful feedback, our process is built to optimize efficiency and provide actionable insights.

Join the leading QA consulting service provider, to take the mobile test automation to next level!

Understanding you application and requirements
Developing a Tailored Test Strategy and Automation Framework:
Test Case Design and Implementation
Test Execution, Monitoring, and Analysis
Reporting and Feedback Loop

Get in touch today to elevate your mobile testing journey

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  • What is test automation, and why is it important?
    Test automation refers to the use of software tools and frameworks to automate the execution of tests, reducing the need for manual intervention. It plays a crucial role in accelerating testing cycles, improving accuracy, and achieving faster time-to-market. To learn more about the importance of test automation, visit our blog post on the benefits of test automation.
  • What automation testing services do you provide?
    At TestersPilot, we offer a range of automation testing services, including web test automation, REST API test automation, mobile test automation, performance test automation, and GraphQL test automation. These services cater to diverse testing needs and help organizations achieve comprehensive test coverage. For more information on our automation services, visit our Test Automation Service page.
  • How do you ensure the success of test automation initiatives?
    We ensure the success of test automation initiatives through a strategic approach. Our experienced team follows industry best practices, such as conducting thorough feasibility studies, selecting appropriate automation tools and frameworks, designing robust automation frameworks, and implementing effective maintenance strategies. These measures contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of test automation.
  • Can you automate testing for different types of applications and platforms?
    Yes, our automation testing services cover a wide range of applications and platforms. Whether you need web application testing, mobile app testing, or API testing, we have the expertise to automate the testing process for various technologies, platforms, and operating systems. Our automation solutions are flexible and adaptable to meet your specific application requirements.
  • What tools and frameworks do you use for test automation?
    We leverage a variety of industry-leading tools and frameworks for test automation, including Selenium, Cypress, Appium, JUnit, TestNG, REST Assured, and GraphQL testing tools. The selection of tools depends on the specific needs of your project and the technology stack being used. Our team has expertise in using these tools effectively to ensure efficient and reliable test automation.
  • How can I measure the return on investment (ROI) for test automation?
    Measuring the ROI for test automation involves assessing factors such as time savings, increased test coverage, reduced manual effort, improved defect detection, and enhanced software quality. Our team can work closely with you to analyze the benefits and calculate the ROI for your test automation initiative.
  • How do I get started with your Test Automation Service?
    Getting started with our Test Automation Service is simple. Contact us through our contact page or fill out the contact form to discuss your automation testing needs. Our team will understand your requirements, provide detailed information about our services, and guide you through the engagement process. We offer consultations, assessments, and customized solutions to meet your specific needs and goals.
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